Our official site is here!
Here is our PTA website 👇
visit and like us! >> HMS PTA Facebook page
Direct Donation button - use your own credit card or your paypal account here. NEW - use VENMO
Thank you so much for your support!
For PTA questions, contact us at this email address
[email protected]
Please see the HMS PTA website for the most current information and contact email and phone numbers.
Email Address
Christy Moore-German
[email protected]
Assistant Principal:
Stephen Parsons
[email protected]
Assistant Principal:
Fay Davenport |
[email protected]
Teacher Representative:
Diana Blevins
[email protected]
School Communications:
Christopher Putnam
[email protected]
Student Council:
Kathleen Comber
[email protected]
PTA President: |
Jennifer Dickerson
PTA Vice President:
Alex Castillo
PTA Treasurer:
Kerri Brozene |
Financial Secretary |
Raechel Combs
Recording Secretary:
Apryl Clark |
Corresponding Secretary:
Vanessa Eskridge |
Meredith Heyl &
Kerri Brozene
Andrea Otis
Irene Prush
Jennifer Sproul
Website Administrator |
Jennifer Dickerson
*updated 11/26/2024
To contact
the PTA, please message us on Facebook at Hereford Middle School PTA.
clickHERE for our Direct Donation Form.
future PTA sponsored events and programs will be provided in the near future
Check the official HMS PTA website for the latest information